Additional Products, Service & Resources

Once you receive funding 💰 through Limitless, you'll gain access to a range of bonus items designed to give you an edge in your industry.

Get that Funding and start exploring the many benefits of Limitless Funding Source

With these bonus items, you'll be able to take your project or business to the next level, attracting new customers, building valuable relationships, and positioning yourself as a leader in your field. So why wait?

Additional Products, Service & Resources

✍🏻 Tax strategist for write-offs

  • Write off the invoice and interest for funding

  • W2 and 1099 tax write-offs

  • IRS planning

  • Business expenses calculated

💸 Strategy to receive more funding

  • Credit limit increases

  • Additional Business Credit

💳 Inquiry removal as quick as 7 business days

  • Third-party freezes

  • Contact to the big brother/sister of the credit bureaus

  • Portal access to your inquiry removal process

📈 Business set up

  • Make sure every payment is connected to your business bank account

  • Business organization assistance

🗓️ Monthly payment set up

  • Making sure all payments come out the same day and time

🙅 Strategy on how not to use your capital on the minimum payments

  • Having the Lenders capital pay for the monthly payments for at least 1 year

  • Saving account organization for the strategy

📲 Additional free digital products

  • Acquire up to 50% more funding after the first round. (FREE OF CHARGE)

  • Strategies on how to remove capital off of business cards as low as 0 %.

  • Complimentary DIY inquiry removal kit.

  • Free Corporate card for all clients. (Not attached to your personal or business credit)

  • Complete strategy on how to have the lender temporarily cover the minimum payments until your business or investment can pay off.


  • Complete strategy on how to receive funding every six months, step by step without needing another company for funding.

➡️ Access To Our Resources & Network

  • Credit specialist (As discussed above)

  • Tax accountant (As discussed above)

  • Funding strategist (How to acquire more funding, credit increase, and more)

  • Business Development (How to run systems, automation, funnels, and marketing)

  • Real estate mentors (Fix and flip/ Buy and hold)

  • Portfolio assets mentors (Stock / Commodities)

  • Transportation mentors (Trucking industry)

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